I was wondering about some of the other categories on Danna's list so I think I'll explore them over the next few months and share here... But meanwhile, I've continued to add to my "cat collection" but these were two real cats - feral kittens who are now learning how much trouble there is to get into INSIDE the house. Here are the "Whippersnappers of Levittown" - 2 girl princess cats
This is Whipper - she's the smaller one..but feisty - except with me. She hates me...
This is Snapper - the bolder braver one... she only likes me when I have food or a toy in my hand.
tThey join the "Boys" - the Vice Presidents
So, you know I've been busy - the girls are only about 6 mos old now and we've only had them inside since Mid-December. Lots of learning going on..and now I need all those tabby cat statues, postcards, pictures, art work etc. that I used to be able to pass up.
See you next week, meanwhile in comments post which categories of Danna's blogpost you like best and we can explore them!