Saturday, January 2, 2016

I Must Be Getting Old

I have rarely ever gone to a fleamarket and NOT bought something - even if it was just a hotdog. But today I did. 

Yes, I saw things I wanted but I kept thinking of all the "stuff" here that is supposed to be listed on ebay and isn't. 

So even though I saw two pair of Born shoes for $10 ea - new, never word (and in my size!) I didn't buy them. I also didn't but the green glass etched Hat pin.. I loved it but like really...where am I going to use that?

I looked an Ungaro jacket in my size  - a mere $20 but again no sale.

What? Why?

I'm trying to be more intelligent in my purchasing.. really where would I wear the Ungaro piece?

Ok so much for reasonable, I'm doing to Salvation Army and buy something.


  1. Very smart! It's so hard not to give in to the temptations of a good deal!

  2. Love this post, and I definitely relate! The longer I sell vintage items the less I collect. Funny how that works! - Trish

  3. I am becoming like this also. I used to buy everything and now, I hardly buy anything--just not interested as I used to be.

  4. I totally get this. The older I get the less I want to collect. Now I want to collect money - so I can have experiences instead.
